
Questions start with

1. Which of the following are true of New Public Administration ?

    1. It is client-oriented and concerned with social equity.
    2. It is an outcome of globalization.
    3. It decreases the role and importance of bureaucracy.
    4. It is supportive of innovation and change.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
a) 1 and 3 only b) 3 and 4 only
c) 1,2 and 4 d) 1,3 and 4

Ans : d

2. Which of the following ….. The Vice-Minister (Administrative ) in Japan is a civil servant.

Ans : d

3. In American context, Nicholas Henry ……….reconcile bureaucracy with democracy”.
Ans : -

4. Which one.………Satish Chandra Committee…….Civil Services did the Government accept ?

Ans : d

5. Which …….. New Public Administration ? 1. It is a philosophical movement of the 1970s.

Ans : b

6. Which one of the …………..changing role of the District Collector after independence ?

Ans : c

7. In employer-employee relationship, Whitleyism stands for …………

Ans : a

8. A number of streams run through the ‘Open Model’ of organization theory’s ……….

Ans : a

9. Which of the following are the features of the Fused model of Fred Riggs ?

Ans : a

10. Which of the is / are true with respect to the Public Accounts Committee ?

Ans : a

11. As per Herbert Simon, ………..three key activities that are central to decision-making ?

Ans : c

12. Which.……..Comparative Administration Group in the development of public administration.

Ans : a

13. Which of the following.....….recommendations of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission

Ans : c

14. Which one of the following is not correct in respect of the Civil Service of France ?

Ans : b

15. Which of the ………Staff Councils attached ……. the Central Secretariat for discussion ?

Ans : a

16. According to Elton Mayo, a worker’s performance is primarily related to

Ans : d

17. Consider the following statements with regard to Citizens Charter :

Ans : a

18. Match : List-I ( Characteristics ) List-II ( Leadership Theory / Model )

Ans : a

19. Which of the following statements reflect the views of Frederick Taylor ?

Ans : d

20. Consider the following statements with regard to the Finance Commission :

Ans : c

21. Anti-bureaucratic approach was most dominant in the writings of………..

Ans : c

22. The Directorates in a State Government are responsible for

Ans : d

23. Consider the following statements on ‘line-item’ budget :

Ans : a

24. Which …….Brownlow Committee …..Independent Regulatory Commissions(IRCs) of USA ?

Ans : -

25. Which one the following is the first orthodoxy of Public Administration……

Ans : b

26. Decentralisation in the form of deconcentration is not truly decentralization, because it

Ans : d

27. Dwight Waldo and Herbert Simon challenged politics-administration dichotomy………

Ans : -

28. Which one …..not related to New Public Management orientation in public administration ?

Ans : -

29. Consider : It is this school of intensive work in the realities of administration…………

Ans : -

30. The most widely used model of the communication process……….work of Shannon Weaver

Ans : b

31. Statement-I : The principle of……Urwick implies that authority and responsibility……..

Ans : c

32. Statement-I : All bureaucratic organizations are hierarchically organized.

Ans : a

33. Statement-I : ‘Publicness’ in the Public Administration is a complex-structured concept.

Ans : a

34. Statement-I : Almost all the States in USA are required by law to balance their budgets……

Ans : b

35. Statement-I : Usually a vote on account is discussed in detail and voted…… the parliament.

Ans : d

36. Statement-I : A public corporation in India is a statutory entity.

Ans : c

37. Statement-I : The Weberian model of bureaucracy is undoubtedly less relevant to public administration.

Ans : b

38. Statement-I : Traditional literatures on public administration suggested………..

Ans : b

39. Why is M.P. Follett’s concept of ‘Constructive Conflict’ considered innovative ?

Ans : c

40. Consider the following significant landmarks towards decentralization in India :

Ans : d

41. Which one…….Scientific Management Movement in public administration ?

Ans : d

42. Which one….. Report of 2nd ARC regarding training of higher civil services … India ?

Ans : d

43. Which one………… foundational basis of Public Choice Theory ?

Ans : d

44. Why did Gulick and Urwick prefer …………plural bodies like boards / committees ?

Ans : c

45. In which ……….courts are debarred to interfere in electoral matters ?

Ans : c

46. In which one…..self-aggrandizing and budget-maximising role ?

Ans : c

47. Which one….’public’ dominates the literature in public administration ?

Ans : a

48. In advocating ‘normative accountability, Carl Friedrich has argued in favour of

Ans : -

49. In the perspective of ………introduced by the ‘Reinventing Government’ Phase (1992) ?

Ans : d

50. Which of ……. ‘publicness’ and privateness’ formulated by Benn and Gaus ?

Ans : c

51. Fundamental differences……….have been explained in terms of perceptions about

Ans : b

52. Which of the ………..Hygiene factors in Herzberg’s theory of motivation ?

Ans : c

53. Which one ……..Shamsul Haque’s typology of the dimensions……management ?

Ans : -

54. In India, an election to constitute a municipality has to be completed

Ans : c

55. Which one of the following about Article 243 G is correct ?

Ans : c

56. The earliest roots of Municipal Administration in India can be traced to

Ans : c

57. Which one the following did Luther Gulick…….officer in an organization ?

Ans : a

58. Why did Frederick Taylor emphasize the need for ‘mental revolution’ …………

Ans : c

59. Consider : identify the leadership theories : a) Participative theories

Ans : b

60. ‘Votes of Credit’ provides for making…………

Ans : d

61. A money Bill deals with 1) abolition and regulation of any tax.

Ans : b

62. Which one……. New Public Administration a) Based on normative political theory.

Ans : a

63. Which one of the following ……….the State Vs. Market debate ?

Ans : a

64. Which of ………powers does the President of India……. Proclamation of Emergency ?

Ans : c

65. The President is recommend by the Finance Commission ……………

Ans : b

66. Which of the following are within …………73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India ?

Ans : d

67. In comparative public administration, there is (1) search for a theory of public administration

Ans : a

68. According to Fred W. Riggs, Development Administration involves an egg-chicken …….

Ans : c

69. Who of the following is not appointed by the Governor? …………

Ans : c

70. The New Public Administration approach is the offshoot of the

Ans : a

71. The paradigm shift towards liberalization, privatization and globalization…………..

Ans : c

72. Consider the following : Maslow’s theory of motivation………………

Ans : a

73. Which one of the ………not a characteristic of Weber’s theory of bureaucracy ?

Ans : a

74. Unlike other classical writers, Frederick Taylor was mainly interested in

Ans : c

75. Which among…… main emphasis / emphases of the classical theory of organization ?

Ans : c

76. Which of the ………….undertaking the exercise of performance budgeting ?

Ans : -

77. Which one………..owed to Max Weber in his formulation of contrasting ethics ?

Ans : -

78. Why did James Mooney describe the principle of Coordination …………

Ans : d

79. What are the rationales behind the principle of Supervision in public administration ?

Ans : d

80. Which one ………..State Finance Commission ?

Ans : b

81. The Metropolitan Planning Committee ………… due regard to

Ans : a

82. Which one of the …………..statutory oversight over public expenditure ?

Ans : b

83. As per the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India,………..

Ans : c

84. Match : A) International accountability 1) New public management
Ans : a

85. Which one of the following……… forms as suggested by Merle Fainsod ?

Ans : c

86. The paradigm of ‘reversals’ mooted by Robert Chambers……………….
Ans : a

87. Civil society’s contribution to ‘good governance’……………
Ans : c

88. The First ARC recommended gradations when writing the confidential reports

Ans : b

89. Bridging ‘fiscal deficit’ is a major problem …………….

Ans : d

90. In conceptualizing the motivations of the bureaucrats…………………

Ans : d

91. A performance Budget is a technique emphasizing most on a scheme…………..

Ans : c

92. The evolution of the study / discipline of Public Administration……many paradigms.

Ans : a

93. After the Second World War,……widened leaps and bounds, because of

Ans : c

94. The conceptualization of organization ‘as a designing process’…………….

Ans : a

95. Consider : 1) The classical model of rational choice allows all members ……make choices.

Ans : c

96. As per the Constitution (74th Amendment ) Act, …………….

Ans : b

97. Which of the following………Philip Selznick’s key tasks of leadership ?

Ans : b

98. Commenting on the relationship between political development……..strong bureaucracy is

Ans : a

99. Which of the following is / are correct regarding the Planning Commission

Ans : d

100. Which of the following …………….enterprises in India in the era of liberalization ?

Ans : c

101. Which one of the following is not correct regarding the C& AG of India ?
Ans : d

102. According to Article 78 of the Constitution of India, the Prime Minister …….

Ans : d

103. In which one ………. The idea of ‘sunk costs’ assumed theoretical significance ?

Ans : a

104. Consider : 1) The personnel of the All-India Services ………Union Territories and States.

Ans : d

105. Haileybury School is associated with ………………..

Ans : b

106. Citizens’ Charter is framed one the principles of …………………

Ans : b

107. Which of the ………..Amitai Etzioni’s classification of control structures ?

Ans : c

108. Which of the…………models formulated in interactions with environment ?

Ans : -

109. Which one…………. Conceptualizes the concept of ‘functional foremanship ?

Ans : b

110. According to Henri Fayol, all undertakings- large or small industrial, commercial……….

Ans : d

111. The concept of hierarchy implies 1) the formal structuring of the line of authority

Ans : d

112. Match : List-I (Type of Accountability) List-II (Behavioural Expectation)

Ans : a

113. Who of the following ………………Chief Information Commissioner to the President ?

Ans : c

114. Which one …………. respect to the Right to Information Act, 2005 ?

Ans : b

115. Promotion in the Japanese Civil Service depends on

Ans : d

116. The Masterman Committee of Britain deals with

Ans : b

117. In the Council-Manager form of city government of USA, the Mayor …………….

Ans : a

118. Sherry Arnstein’s classic paper, ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation’………………

Ans : -

119. Which of the following …………. with regard to the US Civil Service ?

Ans : c

120. Which one of the following…… Ashok Mehta Committee recommendations on PRIs?

Ans : b


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