Questions start with
1. Which of the following are true of New Public Administration ?
- It is client-oriented and concerned with social equity.
- It is an outcome of globalization.
- It decreases the role and importance of bureaucracy.
- It is supportive of innovation and change.
a) 1 and 3 only b) 3 and 4 only
c) 1,2 and 4 d) 1,3 and 4
Ans : d
2. Which of the following ….. The Vice-Minister (Administrative ) in Japan is a civil servant.
Ans : d
3. In American context, Nicholas Henry ……….reconcile bureaucracy with democracy”.
Ans : -
4. Which one.………Satish Chandra Committee…….Civil Services did the Government accept ?
Ans : d
5. Which …….. New Public Administration ? 1. It is a philosophical movement of the 1970s.
Ans : b
6. Which one of the …………..changing role of the District Collector after independence ?
Ans : c
7. In employer-employee relationship, Whitleyism stands for …………
Ans : a
8. A number of streams run through the ‘Open Model’ of organization theory’s ……….
Ans : a
9. Which of the following are the features of the Fused model of Fred Riggs ?
Ans : a
10. Which of the is / are true with respect to the Public Accounts Committee ?
Ans : a
11. As per Herbert Simon, ………..three key activities that are central to decision-making ?
Ans : c
12. Which.……..Comparative Administration Group in the development of public administration.
Ans : a
13. Which of the following.....….recommendations of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission
Ans : c
14. Which one of the following is not correct in respect of the Civil Service of France ?
Ans : b
15. Which of the ………Staff Councils attached ……. the Central Secretariat for discussion ?
Ans : a
16. According to Elton Mayo, a worker’s performance is primarily related to
Ans : d
17. Consider the following statements with regard to Citizens Charter :
Ans : a
18. Match : List-I ( Characteristics ) List-II ( Leadership Theory / Model )
Ans : a
19. Which of the following statements reflect the views of Frederick Taylor ?
Ans : d
20. Consider the following statements with regard to the Finance Commission :
Ans : c
21. Anti-bureaucratic approach was most dominant in the writings of………..
Ans : c
22. The Directorates in a State Government are responsible for
Ans : d
23. Consider the following statements on ‘line-item’ budget :
Ans : a
24. Which …….Brownlow Committee …..Independent Regulatory Commissions(IRCs) of USA ?
Ans : -
25. Which one the following is the first orthodoxy of Public Administration……
Ans : b
26. Decentralisation in the form of deconcentration is not truly decentralization, because it
Ans : d
27. Dwight Waldo and Herbert Simon challenged politics-administration dichotomy………
Ans : -
28. Which one …..not related to New Public Management orientation in public administration ?
Ans : -
29. Consider : It is this school of intensive work in the realities of administration…………
Ans : -
30. The most widely used model of the communication process……….work of Shannon Weaver
Ans : b
31. Statement-I : The principle of……Urwick implies that authority and responsibility……..
Ans : c
32. Statement-I : All bureaucratic organizations are hierarchically organized.
Ans : a
33. Statement-I : ‘Publicness’ in the Public Administration is a complex-structured concept.
Ans : a
34. Statement-I : Almost all the States in USA are required by law to balance their budgets……
Ans : b
35. Statement-I : Usually a vote on account is discussed in detail and voted…… the parliament.
Ans : d
36. Statement-I : A public corporation in India is a statutory entity.
Ans : c
37. Statement-I : The Weberian model of bureaucracy is undoubtedly less relevant to public administration.
Ans : b
38. Statement-I : Traditional literatures on public administration suggested………..
Ans : b
39. Why is M.P. Follett’s concept of ‘Constructive Conflict’ considered innovative ?
Ans : c
40. Consider the following significant landmarks towards decentralization in India :
Ans : d
41. Which one…….Scientific Management Movement in public administration ?
Ans : d
42. Which one….. Report of 2nd ARC regarding training of higher civil services … India ?
Ans : d
43. Which one………… foundational basis of Public Choice Theory ?
Ans : d
44. Why did Gulick and Urwick prefer …………plural bodies like boards / committees ?
Ans : c
45. In which ……….courts are debarred to interfere in electoral matters ?
Ans : c
46. In which one…..self-aggrandizing and budget-maximising role ?
Ans : c
47. Which one….’public’ dominates the literature in public administration ?
Ans : a
48. In advocating ‘normative accountability, Carl Friedrich has argued in favour of
Ans : -
49. In the perspective of ………introduced by the ‘Reinventing Government’ Phase (1992) ?
Ans : d
50. Which of ……. ‘publicness’ and privateness’ formulated by Benn and Gaus ?
Ans : c
51. Fundamental differences……….have been explained in terms of perceptions about
Ans : b
52. Which of the ………..Hygiene factors in Herzberg’s theory of motivation ?
Ans : c
53. Which one ……..Shamsul Haque’s typology of the dimensions……management ?
Ans : -
54. In India, an election to constitute a municipality has to be completed
Ans : c
55. Which one of the following about Article 243 G is correct ?
Ans : c
56. The earliest roots of Municipal Administration in India can be traced to
Ans : c
57. Which one the following did Luther Gulick…….officer in an organization ?
Ans : a
58. Why did Frederick Taylor emphasize the need for ‘mental revolution’ …………
Ans : c
59. Consider : identify the leadership theories : a) Participative theories
Ans : b
60. ‘Votes of Credit’ provides for making…………
Ans : d
61. A money Bill deals with 1) abolition and regulation of any tax.
Ans : b
62. Which one……. New Public Administration a) Based on normative political theory.
Ans : a
63. Which one of the following ……….the State Vs. Market debate ?
Ans : a
64. Which of ………powers does the President of India……. Proclamation of Emergency ?
Ans : c
65. The President is recommend by the Finance Commission ……………
Ans : b
66. Which of the following are within …………73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India ?
Ans : d
67. In comparative public administration, there is (1) search for a theory of public administration
Ans : a
68. According to Fred W. Riggs, Development Administration involves an egg-chicken …….
Ans : c
69. Who of the following is not appointed by the Governor? …………
Ans : c
70. The New Public Administration approach is the offshoot of the
Ans : a
71. The paradigm shift towards liberalization, privatization and globalization…………..
Ans : c
72. Consider the following : Maslow’s theory of motivation………………
Ans : a
73. Which one of the ………not a characteristic of Weber’s theory of bureaucracy ?
Ans : a
74. Unlike other classical writers, Frederick Taylor was mainly interested in
Ans : c
75. Which among…… main emphasis / emphases of the classical theory of organization ?
Ans : c
76. Which of the ………….undertaking the exercise of performance budgeting ?
Ans : -
77. Which one………..owed to Max Weber in his formulation of contrasting ethics ?
Ans : -
78. Why did James Mooney describe the principle of Coordination …………
Ans : d
79. What are the rationales behind the principle of Supervision in public administration ?
Ans : d
80. Which one ………..State Finance Commission ?
Ans : b
81. The Metropolitan Planning Committee ………… due regard to
Ans : a
82. Which one of the …………..statutory oversight over public expenditure ?
Ans : b
83. As per the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India,………..
Ans : c
84. Match : A) International accountability 1) New public management
Ans : a
85. Which one of the following……… forms as suggested by Merle Fainsod ?
Ans : c
86. The paradigm of ‘reversals’ mooted by Robert Chambers……………….
Ans : a
87. Civil society’s contribution to ‘good governance’……………
Ans : c
88. The First ARC recommended gradations when writing the confidential reports
Ans : b
89. Bridging ‘fiscal deficit’ is a major problem …………….
Ans : d
90. In conceptualizing the motivations of the bureaucrats…………………
Ans : d
91. A performance Budget is a technique emphasizing most on a scheme…………..
Ans : c
92. The evolution of the study / discipline of Public Administration……many paradigms.
Ans : a
93. After the Second World War,……widened leaps and bounds, because of
Ans : c
94. The conceptualization of organization ‘as a designing process’…………….
Ans : a
95. Consider : 1) The classical model of rational choice allows all members ……make choices.
Ans : c
96. As per the Constitution (74th Amendment ) Act, …………….
Ans : b
97. Which of the following………Philip Selznick’s key tasks of leadership ?
Ans : b
98. Commenting on the relationship between political development……..strong bureaucracy is
Ans : a
99. Which of the following is / are correct regarding the Planning Commission
Ans : d
100. Which of the following …………….enterprises in India in the era of liberalization ?
Ans : c
101. Which one of the following is not correct regarding the C& AG of India ?
Ans : d
102. According to Article 78 of the Constitution of India, the Prime Minister …….
Ans : d
103. In which one ………. The idea of ‘sunk costs’ assumed theoretical significance ?
Ans : a
104. Consider : 1) The personnel of the All-India Services ………Union Territories and States.
Ans : d
105. Haileybury School is associated with ………………..
Ans : b
106. Citizens’ Charter is framed one the principles of …………………
Ans : b
107. Which of the ………..Amitai Etzioni’s classification of control structures ?
Ans : c
108. Which of the…………models formulated in interactions with environment ?
Ans : -
109. Which one…………. Conceptualizes the concept of ‘functional foremanship ?
Ans : b
110. According to Henri Fayol, all undertakings- large or small industrial, commercial……….
Ans : d
111. The concept of hierarchy implies 1) the formal structuring of the line of authority
Ans : d
112. Match : List-I (Type of Accountability) List-II (Behavioural Expectation)
Ans : a
113. Who of the following ………………Chief Information Commissioner to the President ?
Ans : c
114. Which one …………. respect to the Right to Information Act, 2005 ?
Ans : b
115. Promotion in the Japanese Civil Service depends on
Ans : d
116. The Masterman Committee of Britain deals with
Ans : b
117. In the Council-Manager form of city government of USA, the Mayor …………….
Ans : a
118. Sherry Arnstein’s classic paper, ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation’………………
Ans : -
119. Which of the following …………. with regard to the US Civil Service ?
Ans : c
120. Which one of the following…… Ashok Mehta Committee recommendations on PRIs?
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