Show me an example NOTIFICATIONS n RESULTS: AIPMT Admit Card 2011 available shortly at AIPMT Admit Card 2011 available shortly at


The All India Pre-Medical / Pre Dental Entrance Examination (AIMPT) Admit Card 2011 hosted shortly. AIMPT Admit Card 2011 issued on the official website at AIMPT Final Examination Admit Card 2011 dispatched by the Board from the third week of March, 2011. The facility of Web Admit Card would be provided to the candidates from 14th March, 2011.
  • The Board would dispatch the Admit Cards to the candidates at the address given in the application form through Post Office using Under Postal Certificate Services.
  • Candidates are desired to carry the Admit Card to the centres sent by the Board.
  • In case, Admit Card sent by the Board is not received by them, they may download the Web Admit Card from the website
  • While downloading Web Admit Card, candidates must ensure that the print out should be taken only on the A-4 size paper.
  • On print out of the Web Admit Card, candidates are required to affix the photograph in the specified box. This photograph should be similar to the photograph as affixed in the application form. Get the photograph attested by the Head of the Institution/Gazetted Officer.
The AIMPT 2011 Final Examination is scheduled to be held on 15th May, 2011, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. The final examination would consist of one paper containing 120 objective type questions(four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology(Botany and Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of the paper would be 3 hours.

To get All India Pre-Medical / Pre Dental Entrance Examination (AIMPT) Admit Card 2011 : Click Here


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