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LPCET -2010 Admissions - Counselling Notification Released


LPCET-2010 Counselling Notification for Admissions announced. Admission into Govt. and Private Pandit Training Colleges for the year 2010-2011 at KEYS HIGH SCHOOL, NEAR SECUNDERABAD RAILWAY STATION, SECUNDERABAD. Qualified candidates should produce all the certificates in ORIGINAL at counselling LPCET-2010 Rank card & Hall Ticket, Pass Certificate of Marks of qualifying examination, Date of Birth Certificate (S.S.C), Study certificates for preceding 7 years, Community Certificate in case of BC/SC/ST candidates, Latest Income certificate of parents of SC / ST / BC candidates claiming fee exemption if the income from all sources is less than Rs.1,00,000/- p.a., Transfer Certificate.
LPCET-2010 Counselling Schedule:schedule 2010
Fee particulars:
*Govt. Colleges- 2,600/-, Private Colleges-16,000/-
Counseling Fee Rs.200/- and Registration Fee Rs.100/- for each candidate. Fee shall be remitted in cash at the counters available in the counseling center. Fee shall be paid in full at the time of counseling and no part payment will be accepted. For more details: LPCET Notification 2010


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